Civ 5 cheats dont disable achievements
Civ 5 cheats dont disable achievements

note The Switch remake made the dungeon colorblind-accessible by adding a shape to each color (square for blue, etc.) and removed its gatekeepers. Trying to get past the skeleton guards on a regular Game Boy will have them blocking the way and even if you do manage to get past them, trying to play through the colors gimmick without any actual color would be too frustrating to attempt. The DX version also has an exclusive dungeon designed for the Game Boy Color and it has its enemies and puzzles based on colors. Most people chose to save this one for the end of the game when they didn't need to go into the shop again anyway.

  • In the DX version, though, you were actually required to steal from the shop to get one of the photos in the game.
  • Players thinking they had managed to cheat the game were very surprised when a) everyone started referring to them as "THIEF" instead of their chosen name in dialogue and b) they re-entered the shop and the shopkeeper killed them with a laser.
  • In The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, it was possible to pick up an item from a store's shelf, run around the shopkeeper very quickly until he couldn't see you (he tries to face you all the time but can't always keep up) and then run out the door with it.
  • Zelda II: The Adventure of Link: In the Great Palace, bypassing the barrier early with the Fairy spell is instant death, regardless of how much life Link has remaining.
  • May be a result of fine Developer's Foresight. Also related to some examples of Copy Protection, where the game punishes the player for pirating. Compare Easy-Mode Mockery, where the game just doesn't like you making it easier for yourself. Of course, the game's own AI is never penalized for cheating, because everybody knows The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard.

    civ 5 cheats dont disable achievements

    In extreme cases, the game can permanently 'brand' the player's save file with some kind of designation to indicate the use of cheat codes (some games can erase their save file outright). These countermeasures can vary from simple messages and reminders that constantly remind (and hopefully embarrass) the player about not playing by the game's intended rules, to more serious measures like denying access to certain features (bonus content, achievements, etc.) while cheats are in effect. Many video games have measures built in to punish the player for cheating (whether by built-in cheat codes or external cheating/hacking devices).

    Civ 5 cheats dont disable achievements